Monthly Archives: May 2015

Savy Saturday: Tips for Organizing Your Dorm Room

While perusing Pinterest I found an excellent Pin from the site,, for college students or those looking for an idea to help out their college student.  The post includes organizing ideas dorm groceries , kitchen supplies/tools, etc. Check out the Pin here:

What great tip do you have to make a dorm room more comfortable and functional?



Leominster Credit Union Brings CU Reality to Clinton HS

Every spring for the past few years I have had the pleasure of volunteering for Lemoninster Credit Union’s CU Reality Fair, a HS financial literacy program. The students are provided with a profile based on their career and educational goals, a budget sheet that lists a monthly net salary and budget line items. Students must visit a series of tables to “purchase their line items” and make sure their budgets balance. I man the student loan table discuss their student loan debt upon graduation and repayment options. It is a wonderful program that provides many students a “Reality Check” about what financial and life decisions they will be facing: balancing career & personal goals and handling unexpected financial setbacks. To learn more read the following article from the Worcestet Telegram & Gazette about the event at Clinton HS. If your school would like to host a CU Reality Fair, contact Ingrid Adade at LCU.